Home > Maturity Calculators > LIC Jeevan Labh Plan (936)
LIC Jeevan Labh Maturity Calculator
LIC Jeevan Labh Plan (Table: 936) helps to learn about about this plan by calculating Premium, Approx. maturity and year-wise life covers as per your Age, Term and Sum Assured.
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About Jeevan Labh Plan (936) Maturity Calculator
Maturity: Maturity of Jeevan Labh is available after completion of Policy Term and maturity will be equal to Basic Sum Assured + Accumulated Simple Reversionary Bonus (Bonus) during policy term + Final Additional Bonus (if any) (FAB). Simple Reversionary Bonus is declared for each financial year during policy term and keeps adding the policy. FAB is onetime bonus declared for the year in which policy is getting matured.
Death Benefit (Life Cover): ): In case of death during policy term, death claim is paid to nominee which is equal to Death Sum Assured + Accumulated Simple Reversionary Bonus (Bonus) till the time of death + Final Additional Bonus (if any) (FAB), provided all due premiums are paid. Death Sum Assured is higher of Basic Sum Assured or 7 times of annualized premium.
Accidental Death & Disability Benefit (AD & DB) Rider: On payment of additional premium, AD & DB rider can be opted if policy holder's age 18 years or above. It provides additional death claim amount in case of accidental death. In case of permanent disability due to accident, all further premiums of this rider and base plan are waived off and sum assured amount is paid in monthly installments spread over next 10 years.
Term Rider: On payment of additional premium, Term Assurance rider can be opted if policy holder's age 18 years or above. It provides additional death claim amount equal Term Rider Sum Assured to Nominee in of case Death of Policyholder. There will not be any maturity value if policyholder survives policy term.
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