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LIC New Jeevan Anand Plan (915) Maturity Calculator
About New Jeevan Anand Plan (915) Maturity Calculator
Maturity Calculator for New Jeevan Anand plan (915) is a simple yet effective tool to help you know more about the plan without much hassle. It helps you calculate premium, year wise life cover and maturity as per your specified details. This plan is available to anyone between 18 and 50 years of age and the policy term can be anywhere between 15 and 35 years (depending on your choice).
Maturity: Once the policy term is complete and all due premium has been paid; the policy will provide maturity equal to Basic Sum Assured + Simple Revisionary Bonus (Bonus) added during policy term including Final Additional bonus.
Post Maturity Life cover: After the completion of policy term, payment of premium stops and the maturity amount is paid to the policyholder. Life cover equal to Basic Sum Assured continues for the rest of the life of policyholder i.e. the policy pays Death Claim equal to Basic Sum Assured to the nominee in case of death of the Policyholder (other than the maturity amount).
Death Benefit (Life Cover): ): In case of death of the policyholder during the policy term, death claim would be available to the nominee. The amount for death claim will be Death Sum Assured +Simple Revisionary Bonus(Bonus) added till the time of death+ Final Additional Bonus(if any). Keep in mind that Death Sum Assured is higher from Basic Sum Assured or around 7 times of annualized premium.
Accidental Death & Disability Benefit (AD & DB) Rider: One can pay additional premium and opt for AD& DB Rider if they are 18(or above) years of age. It would provide additional death claim amount in case of accidental death. For cases where accident causes permanent disability, all further premiums of the rider and base plan would be waived off; and the sum assured amount will be paid in monthly installments over the next 10 years.
Term Rider: In case the policy holder’s age is 18 or above, he can choose Term Assurance Rider after paying additional premium. It provides additional Death Claim amount equal to Term Rider Sum Assured to Nominee if the policyholder dies during the policy term. Keep in mind that if the policyholder completes (survives through) the policy term, he won’t get any maturity value because of this rider.
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