Jeevan Anand (149) Paid-up Value Calculator
Jeevan Anand (149) paid-up value depends upon Sum Assured & number of paid premiums and accumulated bonus during the period when policy was in force. Following calculator helps to calculate approx. paid-up value as per your sum assured and paid premiums. Please note, It is not official calculator of LIC.
Paid-up Value in LIC Jeevan Anand (Table-149)
LIC Jeevan Anand (149) becomes eligible for Paid-Up value if premium for first 3 years have been completely paid and policy holder chooses not to pay any further premium. Paid-up value is sum of Paid-up Sum Assured + Accumulated Bonus for years which premiums have been paid successfully. Paid-up sum assured is sum assured factored by a ratio of number of premiums paid to total number of premiums to be paid. For example, if sum assured is 1,00,000 and term is 10 year and all premium for first 5 years have been paid, then paid-up sum assured will be (1,00,000) x (5/10) = 50,000.
Following table provides an example of Paid value details of a policy with Sum Assured: 3,00,000, Term: 21 years, Purchased Year: 2012 and premiums for first 7 policy years (2012-2018) have been paid successfully and remaining premiums are not paid.
Paid-up value details | |
Sum Assured | 300000 |
Premium Paid | 7 out of 21 years |
Paid-up Sum Assured | 100000 |
Accured Bonus (Approx.) | 102300 |
Paid-value at completion of term (2033) (Approx.) | 202300 |
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