Jeevan Anand (149) Paid-up Value Calculator

Jeevan Anand (149) paid-up value depends upon Sum Assured & number of paid premiums and accumulated bonus during the period when policy was in force. Following calculator helps to calculate approx. paid-up value as per your sum assured and paid premiums. Please note, It is not official calculator of LIC.

Paid-up Value in LIC Jeevan Anand (Table-149)

LIC Jeevan Anand (149) becomes eligible for Paid-Up value if premium for first 3 years have been completely paid and policy holder chooses not to pay any further premium. Paid-up value is sum of Paid-up Sum Assured + Accumulated Bonus for years which premiums have been paid successfully. Paid-up sum assured is sum assured factored by a ratio of number of premiums paid to total number of premiums to be paid. For example, if sum assured is 1,00,000 and term is 10 year and all premium for first 5 years have been paid, then paid-up sum assured will be (1,00,000) x (5/10) = 50,000.

Following table provides an example of Paid value details of a policy with Sum Assured: 3,00,000, Term: 21 years, Purchased Year: 2012 and premiums for first 7 policy years (2012-2018) have been paid successfully and remaining premiums are not paid.

Paid-up value details
Sum Assured300000
Premium Paid7 out of 21 years
Paid-up Sum Assured100000
Accured Bonus (Approx.)102300
Paid-value at completion of term (2033) (Approx.)202300

Comments & Reviews (28)

Wrote :

2025-01-11 11:40:26

I have an LIC Jeevan Anand (table 149) policy started in Jan-2011 premium approx. 61,000 per year (15 years). Maturity date is showing 07/01/2073. I have paid for 7 years (till Jan-2017). Sum Assured 7,50,000. Am I eligible to get Survival benefit? If yes the same sum assured amount I will get? Also survival benefit we can surrender in 2026 along with the maturity benefit? please clarify?

Wrote :

16-01-2025 13:56:37

Your policy has become paid-up, and your current basic sum assured has been reduced by a factor of 7/15, which amounts to ₹3,50,000. Essentially, you can consider your sum assured to be ₹3,50,000, and you will receive all associated benefits based on this reduced sum assured.

Wrote :

2025-01-16 14:44:51

Sum assured has been reduced to 3,50,000/-. I agreed. What about survival benefit? I will get 7,50,000/- in the year 2073 if I survive? Please clarify?

Wrote :

17-01-2025 05:52:04

Survival benefits should be reduced paid-up sum assured.

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Wrote :

2024-10-21 17:06:58

Hi sir, I have Jeevan Anand policy 149 , dated 21.10.2010 (16years) half yearly premium 5137, when i will get maturity amount 2025/2026.

Wrote :

22-10-2024 14:14:20

It will be in 2026.

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Wrote :

2024-10-14 13:05:23

My policy 149-73-20, Paid without delay. But now I want to surrender my policy. How much amount return to me. Fully completed how much amount my maturity Value. 500000

Wrote :

15-10-2024 18:08:14

It is not clear how much premiums are paid till date. Your policy is with 20 years term, maturity will be 10-11 Lakh.

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Wrote :

14-08-2024 02:16:41

I have Jeevan Anand Policy Plan 149-76-16. Sum assured is 1000000. All premium is timely paid and maturity date is 28/09/2024. What will be its maturity amount?

Wrote :

16-08-2024 14:36:29

At maturity, you'll receive approximately Rs.17 lakh, and after that, you'll continue to have a life cover of Rs.10 lakh until you reach 100 years of age. If you live to 100, you'll receive this Rs. 10 lakh yourself, which is known as a second maturity. In the unfortunate event of your passing before 100 years of age, your nominee will receive the Rs.10 lakh as a death claim

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Wrote :

02-12-2022 09:26:17

Hello Sir, my policy table 149-12 sum assured 3lakh and premium is 24100(24100×15=361500) why my premium is more than sum assured?? Kindly explain, Thanks

Wrote :

02-12-2022 11:46:20

Premium depends upon age of the policyholder and policy term. Premium will be higher if term is lower and age is higher.

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Wrote :

23-11-2022 16:01:32

I have a LIC Jeevan Anand policy (Table 149), policy is for 65 years with premium paying term being 25 years which started in 2013 with all premiums paid till date. If i make it paid up policy then am I eligible for FAB during maturity??? or I will get just the announced bonus till the time I paid my premiums?? please advice... thanks.

Wrote :

30-11-2022 14:52:46

In case of paid up, only accumulated bonus till the time of last premium paid will be paid. Further, the final additional bonus is applicable only after completion of 15 years.

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Wrote :

14-11-2022 13:08:51

I took jeevan anand policy at the age of 23 now iam at 33. My policy will be matured at 43years. If I took money at 44 years of my age, will it continues untill I expires?

Wrote :

30-11-2022 17:11:37

Yes, in Jeevan Anand (149), life cover equal to sum assured continues after maturity.

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Wrote :

12-05-2021 23:36:13

Please inform about proportionate bonus to paid- up value? how much percentage proportionate bonus ?...

Wrote :

19-05-2021 15:43:42

In case of paid-up policy, the return (paid-up maturity) is paid up sum assured (reduced sum assured) + accumulated bonus till last premium was paid. There is no percentage bonus kind of thing in case of paid-up policy. Percentage of bonus is calculated in case of policy surrender.

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Wrote :

01-03-2021 19:54:20

How many year premiums will be required to be paid for policy 149 -73 ? sum assured 5,00,000.

Wrote :

03-03-2021 16:07:27

Please find a pattern like 149-XX-YY on the policy document of premium receipt, where YY will be the number of years the required premiums are not needed to be paid.

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Wrote :

05-09-2020 22:59:29

I am holding on to old jeevan anand policy . I want to make it a paid up policy. Its been 11 years that I have paid premium. Can i make this as a paid up policy. Am i eligible to get bonus ? One of the LIC employee , a week back advised over the phone that it cant be made paid up ... is it true ? please advise.

Wrote :

07-09-2020 19:38:26

After successful completion of 3 years, policy becomes eligible for paid-up. In case of paid, you will get reduced paid up sum assured + vested bonus during period of premium payment (11 years in your case.)

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Wrote :

18-04-2020 09:38:45

Age at entry : 21 years, Policy Term : 81 years, premium paying term : 21 yrs, date of maturity : 07/11/2089, commencement date : 07/11/2008. Will I get payment from LIC only after maturity date 2089?

Wrote :

18-04-2020 12:04:29

You will get maturity after 21 years and after that you will have life cover equal to sum assured up to year 2089. If you survive until 2089, you can take sum assured yourself.

Wrote :

18-04-2020 12:09:06

Sum assured is 100000. So I will not get any amount after 21 years? I can get sum assured only if survive till 2089?

Wrote :

18-04-2020 12:37:12

You will get maturity (100000 + Bonus + FAB) on completion of 21 years. After 21 years (year 2029) you will have life cover till 2089, which means in case of death between 2029 to 2089, your nominee will get 100000 as death claim. If you survive until year 2089 (attain 100 years of age), you can take 100000 yourself, which is called second maturity and policy will terminate. You may following calculator to generate illustration yourself.
Jeevan Anand (149) Maturity Calculator

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Wrote :

29-10-2019 15:20:46

Hello Sir/ Madam,rnMy name is Seema and i have existing LIC policy and the plan name is Jeevan Anand ( Plan - 149 ). Installment premium is 6887/- Premium paying term is 20 years. Policy term is 75 years and Date of Maturity is 17th November 2087. Is this mean that once i complete 20 years paying my premium , until 2087 i will not get the money that i have paid. Should i wait until the maturity date to complete ( 2087).I am not understanding the policy. After which year i can claim

Wrote :

29-10-2019 15:35:39

You will claim your maturity after 20 years. Please read similar queries in comments, it has been explained in various cases.

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Wrote :

19-10-2019 21:37:14

What is the premium paying term in plan 149-73-26.

Wrote :

20-10-2019 09:27:05

Premium Paying Term (PPT) will be 26 years in this policy.

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Wrote :

27-09-2019 12:13:52

I took Jeevan Anand (149) nominating my brother and now since I am married I want to change the nomination. Can I do so? If yes, then please guide me through the process of modifying nomination.

Wrote :

27-09-2019 15:27:06

Nomination can be changed as desired by the policy holder and for this you need to visit your servicing branch with original policy document along Address and ID proof.

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Wrote :

19-03-2019 18:09:27

Hi, I have the premium paying term of 21 which is completing at 2031. Will the sum assured along with bonus can be claimed after paying premium paying term?

Wrote :

20-03-2019 13:58:44

Wrote :

21-03-2019 09:29:28

What is FAB? I would like to reiterate my question, Can i claim it immediately (2032) after paying premium paying term or it can be claimed only at the maturity year which 2087 ?

Wrote :

22-03-2019 15:06:07

FAB stands for Final Additional Bonus, it is other than simple reversionary bonus. FAB is one time bonus applicable to policies in case of death or maturity claim and generally applicable after 15 years. Simple reversionary Bonus or simply bonus is added in each policy year as policy progresses while FAB is one time bonus when policy exits by means of maturity or death claim. Your maturity claim will be available after premium paying term, 2032 in your case and from 2032 to 2087, you will have life cover equal to sum assured.

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Wrote :

30-01-2019 15:53:10

hi, My lic jeevan Anand policy says term 72, what does it mean? do i need to pay till 72 years?

Wrote :

30-01-2019 18:52:59

It is your policy term and as per your age, your will be 100 year old after 72 policy years. There will be premium paying term and you will have to pay premium for those years and after completion of premium paying term your will get your maturity. You can find your premium paying term it will be xx value in a pattern 149-72-xx, indicated on policy document.

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Wrote :

02-01-2019 17:17:18

I having Jeevan Anand of last payment 2039.wheather I can get maturity on 2039

Wrote :

02-01-2019 21:00:18

Yes, if it yearly premium then your maturity will be available in 2040.

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Wrote :

27-12-2018 16:18:05

Hello Sir, my policy table 149-21 sum assured 5 Lakh and premium is 27259 (27259×21=572439) why my premium is more than sum assured?? Kindly explain, Thanks.

Wrote :

28-12-2018 00:12:38

Please through following link:
Sum Assured Vs Total Paid Premium

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Wrote :

21-11-2018 02:20:57

Hello Sir, my policy table 149-15 sum assured 2lakh and premium is 15336 (15336×15=230040) why my premium is more than sum assured?? Kindly explain, Thanks.

Wrote :

21-11-2018 12:15:13

Please follow this link, it is explained there.

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Wrote :

21-10-2018 19:20:34

Sir my policy jeewan anand SA 5LAKH how much got maturity time.

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Wrote :

17-10-2018 12:53:54

I purchase old jeevan anand policy in the November 2002 for 1,00,000 and the term is 64. till when should I pay the premium and when does my policy matures. please let me know

Wrote :

24-10-2018 14:53:50

Please find policy details on your document it will in 149-XX-YY format. YY will be your policy term and number of years for which premium needs to be paid.

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Wrote :

05-10-2018 12:57:51

I have a LIC jeevan anand (table 149) policy. As per lic online service my policy date of start 28/12/2013 term 20 year premium 60400/-yearly ,last payment date 28/12/2032 and maturity date is shows 28/10/2085. Policy term is 74 years so kindly clarify me that after completion of my 20 years will i get full amount or as a pension till maturity Bcoz agent tell me that u will get as a pension in this plan yearly basis till maturity plz help

Wrote :

05-10-2018 21:47:17

Maturity will happen after 20 years and this plan will provide one time maturity, but you can buy available pension plan at that time with your maturity amount to receive pension (this is what he should have informed).

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Wrote :

02-10-2018 11:17:40

I have jeevna Anand policy with SA 1200000 for 25 years paying term n maturity term is 73 years n I have purchased it in 2013 November and I’m thinking stop the policy in november of 2018. Hw much surrender value n paid up value I will get ?

Wrote :

02-10-2018 17:06:46

Approximately half of total paid premiums.

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Wrote :

30-09-2018 23:39:52

I have a LIC jeevan anand (table 149) policy. As per lic online service my policy date of start 28/12/2011 term 15 year premium 37686/- ,last payment date 28/12/2025 and maturity date is shows 28/10/2085. Policy term is 74 years so kindly clarify me that after completion of my 15 years will i get any amount or at the end of term only I'll get the amount. Q2) can I change the nominee? If yes guide me.

Wrote :

02-10-2018 15:43:08

Maturity will happen after 15 years in your case. Yes you can change nominees.

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Wrote :

10-09-2018 19:28:56

Sum Assured 1500000 Premium Paid 6 out of 20 years Paid-up Sum Assured 450000 Accured Bonus (Approx.) 403500 Paid-value at completion of term (2033) (Approx.) 853500 Does this mean i can withdraw 853500 now ?

Wrote :

10-09-2018 20:46:01

No, as it is already mentioned that this will be approximate amount you will receive in year 2033.

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Wrote :

30-08-2018 17:57:46

what will be the amount i will receive after completion of my full payment of premiums in 2028. Please advise.

Wrote :

30-08-2018 19:28:56

It will depend upon sum assured and policy term. Use Maturity Calculator for approx benefits.

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Wrote :

28-08-2018 10:07:16

Sir, my case is similar, i have a policy which has premium paying term as 21 but date of maturity as 15/02/2083. can you clarify if i will get any amount once the premium paying term is over(i.e nov 2026).

Wrote :

28-08-2018 20:01:06

Yes, maturity will be available after premium paying term. From 2026 to 2083, you will have life cover.

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Wrote :

22-08-2018 18:24:52

I have a LIC jeevan anand (table 149) policy. As per lic online service my policy 514504115, date of start 28/10/2006 term 21 year premium 16214/- ,last payment date 28/10/2026 and maturity date is shows 28/10/2072. so kindly clarify me that after completion of my 21 year premium can i return any amount or after 2072. because in my policy maturity date is 28/10/2072. but when i purchase a policy certificate received in that certificate maturity date is not mentioned.

Wrote :

23-08-2018 09:06:23

Maturity will happen in year 2027 and from 2027 to 2072 you will have life cover without paying any further premium, means, if death happens between this period, your nominee will get sum Assured amount. If you survive till 2072, then you can take sum Assured amount youlself.

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