How to Download Premium Paid Statement of LIC Policy
LIC Paid Premium receipts and consolidated Premium Paid statement can be downloaded for each policy from LIC website. Financial Year-wise consolidated premium payment receipt is a desired document for proof of investment for Income Tax declaration. This article provides step-wise guidance to download your premium payment receipt.
Requirement for Downloading Premium Payment Receipt
The User should be a registered policy holder with LIC website, if you are a policy holder and have not registered your policy with LIC website, please read step-wise processes of How to Register LIC Policy.
You need to visit LIC Customer Portal and You will find two options (Registered User and New User) as show below.

In this step, you need to enter your User Name and Password. After entering User Name and Password along with security question, click on Submit button as shown below. If you don't have User Name and Password, please follow How to Register LIC Policy to create your User Name and Password.

After submission of User Name and Password, you will logged in to your account and on the left side, you will get Basic Services section under which there are two options to download premium paid receipt.

- Consolidated Premium Paid Statement to be used when premium paid details of all policies needs to be downloaded.
- Individual Policy Premium Paid Statement to be used when premium paid statement of individual policies needs to be downloaded.
Both the options will let the user to download financial year-wise premium payment receipt.
To download Consolidated Premium Paid Statement, click on link as show in the following image and select financial year and click on submit to download statement for Income tax submission.

Above guide is prepared for the help of users to know about how to download premium receipt and consolidated statement from LIC website and it is based on information available on LIC website itself. In case of any difficulty in receiving receipt and statement, users can directly contact LIC at
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